
The Vietnamese Resettlement Association is a non-profit organization. The VRA used its dedicated volunteers within the community and a professional staff withcross-cultural expertise to provide the following services:

  • Housing counseling: locate low-cost housing, apply for government-assistedhousing, communicate with landlord, resolve landlord-tenant conflicts;
  • Translation & Interpretation: serve as language resource for governmentaland community agencies, help clients understand rights and responsibilitieswhen receiving benefits, provide consumer advocacy;
  • Provide free screening for women 40 years old and over with low income, no insurance.
  • Referrals to Government Services: provide information, referrals, andadvocacy in accessing government services, such as food stamps, Medicaid, disability benefits, etc…
  • Immigrations & Naturalization Assistance: assist with immigration issues, adjustment of status, naturalization, petition for relatives.
  • Legal Assistance & Referrals: help finding lawyers with minimum chargefor all legal cases.
  • Education Referrals: help with enrollment in English classes or technicalprograms.
  • Mental Health/Family Counseling: provide counseling to address personalor family problems, referrals to health professional for medication andresidential programs.

The VRA provides pro-bono cancer prevention services including screening and follow up to promote early detection and treatment of cancer among low income Asian, Hispanic, and other immigrants in Northern Virginia.